Thursday, May 31, 2012

Humanities Educators' Conference 2012

Extracted from Mr Heng Swee Keat's (Minister for Education) speech during the Humanities Educators' Conference 2012:

"Another example is Geography teacher, Mrs Lily Lee, of Serangoon Secondary School. She maintains a very informative blog where she shares links to up-to-date news footages and relevant articles to help her students appreciate how geographical issues play out in the real world."

I felt so honored being mentioned in the Minister's speech. I was also interviewed by the Lianhe Zaobao:

English translation from the article: 
Many teachers are using new and innovative methods to teach humanities nowadays. Our Minister for Education, Mr Heng Swee Keat, shared some of these in his speech. For example, Mrs Lily Lee from Serangoon Secondary School, who has 17 years of teaching experience. To ensure that her students are updated with the latest geographical issues, she had set up a geography blog which the students can discuss the latest geography news and information. Said Mrs Lily Lee "The textbook only provides the basic knowledge. There are so many happenings related to Geography and it is taking place every day. It is not possible to teach everything in class so the blog is a good platform to share the information."

My Geography blog -

Thursday, May 10, 2012

More on our amazing sky in the morning

Just some of my latest creations - as mentioned earlier - the pictures were all taken from the staff room. The one on the top was taken on 9th May and I was really amazed by the change in the sky. Nature has offered us many masterpieces. Sometimes we just have to look around us and appreciate them. The world is a better place when we appreciate them as well as the people around us.

Monday, May 07, 2012

National Geographic Channel Young Photographers Award 7 May 2012

Solomon Woo won the voters' choice in Singapore and Hazel, his friend, won the lucky voter's prize. The winners were announced on their website:

The prize award ceremony was held together with the photography Seminar by Ira Block. I like his quote on photography - "Don't take a picture, make a picture: Light, Composition and Moment" - Do not just point and shoot - go close to the object or even around it - find the best angle and moment for the best picture. Different Lighting can really make a difference to the photo too!