Saturday, October 20, 2018

Connector Badge SG Learning designers circle

I am a member of the SG Learning Designers Circle on facebook (introduced to this group by Shasi last year) and I must say there is much sharing too - esp from the ETD officers in the closed group. I was recently awarded the connector badge in the group.

The SgLDC Connector badge is awarded to members who make it a point to build on conversations through the contribution of ideas and giving encouragement to grow the community.

Was also awarded the VNP (very notable post) award for two of my posts:

Presenting #VNP 7 - This post was a sharing of technology tools and author provided insights on some of the tools. Thanks to all who showed your appreciation of the sharing by liking the post. The sharing must have made many of you aware of the tools and from the insights provided see more possibilities of using them! Don't we all love learning! Thanks for all who were watching this space for the first round of SgLDC #VNP. This is just the start! As we continue to grow our learning through one another in this vibrant community, our list of #VNP will surely grow in numbers and in the value it brings! Till the next wave of #VNP... let's keep learning! 🤓

#VNP No. 8 goes to the post that introduces a familiar yet not so familiar technology tool to the community and gets us thinking about ways to adapt Quizlet Live. These new twists to using Quizlet is a terrific resource to help gamify classrooms and engage students in the subject matter. Thank you Lily Lee for sharing your Quizlet examples in your Geography lessons with the community!
Anyone tried quizlet live? I was introduced to it in a workshop but have not tried it out. Interesting way of getting the class to mingle as groups are assigned and it needs a lot of mutual cooperation before any group can win the game. This is one of the guides on quizlet live. I have always been using quizlet and love how it can be embedded on my google sites. The students can learn in different study modes (there is a scroll down menu on the bottom right) such as flash card mode (delight at how the words and meanings are read out) or matching game. Sec 2 Quizlet on weather and climate #VNP

As I share I learned. As I learned I share too!  Most of those which I learned in the group have been shared on my ICT blog too -  More sharing coming up soon - esp after learning so much from all yesterday. As for geog I also shared with teachers on   
Updated above on 5 March 2019