Wednesday, October 10, 2007

LInk-cadet activity at Rivervale Primary

A big THANK YOU to Mrs Natarajan and Mdm Normalis for making the collaboration a success. Pretty sad that Mrs Natarajan is going to retire next year as she is such an experienced instructor. Though our initial plan was to share first aid with the link members, I think we had learnt more from her e.g. cuff bandage. After practising with bandaging, Kit Man showed the link members how to make button badges. They were very enthusiastic and eager to try out. However one of the machines did not work and they had to queue for one. I had forgotten to bring my third machine, otherwise it should be faster. After that, Mrs Rajan treated us to some curry puffs and drinks. We ended the sessions with some cheers in the field.
Areas for improvement - I must get the cadets to plan in advance more activities which we can conduct with the link members. I was told that the cadets from Compassvale arranged for a series of activities e.g. CPR, evacuation drill, blanket exercise etc. Maybe we can plan for a Telematch next year.
I could only update the above as I suffered from severe diarrhoea and gastric pain since that night and have not really recovered since. Still feeling the discomfort as I am typing this ... update on 12th Oct.

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